Patented Heptapure Cartridge, Biotron Cartridge, Mineral Guard, UV Chamber
Make: Aquaguard
Pack qty : 1 Nos
MOQ : 1
Dispatch Days : 4-7 days
Shipping Charges : Shipping charge may apply as per serviceability (Free delivery for Orders above Rs 2000)
Price on request
Biotron cartridge that breaks complex water molecules into fine clusters to give you the benefits of pure water in a quicker span of time.  IPS that works as a smart sensor to stop the water flow immediately, if the level of purification is not 100%.  Auto shut off that turns off the UV lamp when it is not in use for 10 minutes, enhancing its life and in turn saving on power consumption.  Unique e-boiling technology that makes your water as safe and pure as the water boiled for 30 minutes.  Patented Heptapure Cartridge that removes turbidity, bad odor and other new age contaminants from water.